May 11, 2005, 03:58 PM // 15:58
Ascalonian Squire
My game keeps giving me a GW.exe error. here is the log.
If anyone can shed some light on this it would be much appreciated.
*--> Crash <--*
App: Gw.exe
ProgramId: 1
Build: 10641
When: 5/11/2005 11:54:28
Flags: 0
*--> Thread 0xfffffffe <--*
eax=02873920 ebx=006e04d8 ecx=02875240 edx=00000000 esi=006e170c edi=006e170c
eip=00402071 esp=013cfb5c ebp=013cfb70
cs=200206 ss=001b ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0023 gs=0038 efl=00000000
*--> Code <--*
00402051 e8aad40a 0083c40c 5ec39090 90909055 ........^......U
00402061 8bec83ec 0c56578b f28bf9e8 00000000 .....VW.........
00402071 8f45f454 8f45f855 8f45fc85 f68bd675 .E.T.E.U.E.....u
00402081 05ba9405 6e008b4d 088d45f4 50518bcf ....n..M..E.PQ..
00402091 e80a0000 005f5e8b e55dc204 00909055 ....._^..].....U
004020A1 8bec81ec f0030000 53568d85 10fcffff ........SV......
*--> Trace <--*
Pc:00402071 Fr:013cfb70 Rt:00537854 Arg:0000022f 113f52f8 113f52f8 013cfc6c
Pc:00537854 Fr:013cfbb8 Rt:00539c0e Arg:00000005 1355afe8 e0003aaa 113f52f8
Pc:00539c0e Fr:013cfbe4 Rt:0053b193 Arg:013cfc6c 013cfc60 3c23d70a 013cfc90
Pc:0053b193 Fr:013cfc0c Rt:006784aa Arg:013cfc60 3c23d70a 013cfc90 00000000
Pc:006784aa Fr:013cfc24 Rt:00674533 Arg:08015ea8 013cfc6c 013cfc60 013cfc90
Pc:00674533 Fr:013cfcb8 Rt:0065d915 Arg:00426458 000000ff 013cfda0 00000039
Pc:0065d915 Fr:013cfcd8 Rt:00426363 Arg:013cfd1c 013cfda0 3f43b27f bed235cf
Pc:00426363 Fr:013cfcf8 Rt:00421423 Arg:0918f400 099ca830 0051353d 00000000
Pc:00421423 Fr:013cfd34 Rt:005127b4 Arg:00000039 013cfda0 00000000 dcf33a83
Pc:005127b4 Fr:013cfd64 Rt:00513f0b Arg:013cfda0 00000000 013cfddc 010e5e98
Pc:00513f0b Fr:013cfd88 Rt:00506d7c Arg:00000000 0252e57c 0000000c 3cb00baf
Pc:00506d7c Fr:013cfda8 Rt:00505ed4 Arg:00000002 010e5cd0 013cfe74 00000000
Pc:00505ed4 Fr:013cfde8 Rt:005005de Arg:010e5cf4 0252e570 00000004 013cfe74
Pc:005005de Fr:013cfe54 Rt:0050030c Arg:00000004 010e5e98 00000000 801f6ed6
Pc:0050030c Fr:013cfe78 Rt:004fff1e Arg:013cff20 013cff1c ffffffff 00000001
Pc:004fff1e Fr:013cff14 Rt:004c64e2 Arg:004ffda0 00000001 00000001 ffffffff
Pc:004c64e2 Fr:013cff34 Rt:004ca18b Arg:00139cb0 010ca780 010d50e0 00369e99
Pc:004ca18b Fr:013cff68 Rt:004c4106 Arg:00000001 00000000 010d50e0 010d50e0
Pc:004c4106 Fr:013cff80 Rt:006bb3de Arg:010ca780 00000000 00000000 010d50e0
Pc:006bb3de Fr:013cffb4 Rt:7c57b388 Arg:010d50e0 00000000 00000000 010d50e0
Pc:7c57b388 Fr:013cffec Rt:00000000 Arg:00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
*--> Stack <--*
013CFB5C 08fcc974 026f8ed0 00402071 013cfb5c t.....o.q @.\.<.
013CFB6C 013cfb70 013cfbb8 00537854 0000022f p.<...<.TxS./...
013CFB7C 113f52f8 113f52f8 013cfc6c 005594ee .R?..R?.l.<...U.
013CFB8C 092a22b8 43495f00 c3aabee9 434f4160 ."*.._IC....`AOC
013CFB9C 3f41367e 08015ea8 0000006f 006a006d ~6A?.^..o...m.j.
013CFBAC 08fcc9a8 0000004d 08fcc808 013cfbe4 ....M.........<.
013CFBBC 00539c0e 00000005 1355afe8 e0003aaa ..S.......U..:..
013CFBCC 113f52f8 013cfc60 08949478 113f52f8 .R?.`.<.x....R?.
013CFBDC c68ff90e c392187e 013cfc0c 0053b193 ....~.....<...S.
013CFBEC 013cfc6c 013cfc60 3c23d70a 013cfc90 l.<.`.<...#<..<.
013CFBFC 00000000 08949478 0000002e 00000034 ....x.......4...
013CFC0C 013cfc24 006784aa 013cfc60 3c23d70a $.<...g.`.<...#<
013CFC1C 013cfc90 00000000 013cfcb8 00674533 ..<.......<.3Eg.
013CFC2C 08015ea8 013cfc6c 013cfc60 013cfc90 .^..l.<.`.<...<.
013CFC3C 000000ff 013cfda0 000000ff 43769d00 ......<.......vC
013CFC4C c3045272 435f7a18 46861ed6 c696a632 rR...z_C...F2...
013CFC5C 46b0da8c 3f41367e bed0ee2e 3f01d855 ...F~6A?....U..?
013CFC6C c69598c0 43aff4c7 c4dd0244 43769d00 .......CD.....vC
013CFC7C c3045272 435f7a18 08aae0e8 00000000 rR...z_C........
013CFC8C 08aae050 445c17aa 00000000 43a1518d P.....\D.....Q.C
013CFC9C 445c17aa 030026db 00000000 445c17aa ..\D.&........\D
013CFCAC 00000000 445c17aa 445c17aa 013cfcd8 ......\D..\D..<.
013CFCBC 0065d915 00426458 000000ff 013cfda0 ..e.XdB.......<.
013CFCCC 00000039 013cfcf8 005c4159 013cfcf8 9.....<.YA\...<.
013CFCDC 00426363 013cfd1c 013cfda0 3f43b27f ccB...<...<...C?
013CFCEC bed235cf 3efe1538 0042130e 013cfd34 .5..8..>..B.4.<.
013CFCFC 00421423 0918f400 099ca830 0051353d #.B.....0...=5Q.
013CFD0C 00000000 091ade00 091ade08 0255bdc0 ..............U.
013CFD1C 000000ff 00000039 099ca834 00000180 ....9...4.......
013CFD2C 80000000 00000000 013cfd64 005127b4 ........d.<..'Q.
013CFD3C 00000039 013cfda0 00000000 dcf33a83 9.....<......:..
013CFD4C 00000004 00000039 00000008 013cfd58 ....9.......X.<.
013CFD5C 013cfd51 0255bda8 013cfd88 00513f0b Q.<...U...<..?Q.
013CFD6C 013cfda0 00000000 013cfddc 010e5e98 ..<.......<..^..
013CFD7C 00000000 013cfda0 00000039 013cfda8 ......<.9.....<.
013CFD8C 00506d7c 00000000 0252e57c 0000000c |mP.....|.R.....
013CFD9C 3cb00baf 3cb00baf 3cb00baf 013cfde8 ...<...<...<..<.
013CFDAC 00505ed4 00000002 010e5cd0 013cfe74 .^P......\..t.<.
013CFDBC 00000000 00000002 00000004 013cfde4 ..............<.
013CFDCC 010e5e98 00000001 00000000 010e5df0 .^...........]..
013CFDDC 0252e57c 010e5ced 00000000 013cfe54 |.R..\......T.<.
013CFDEC 005005de 010e5cf4 0252e570 00000004 ..P..\..p.R.....
013CFDFC 013cfe74 010e5e98 801f6ed6 010e5cd0 t.<..^...n...\..
013CFE0C 801f6ec2 010e5df0 801f6ec2 004c28b7 .n...]...n...(L.
013CFE1C 00000000 010e5cd0 801f6ec2 0050504d .....\...n..MPP.
013CFE2C 00000000 010e5cd0 00500683 801f6ed6 .....\....P..n..
013CFE3C 010e5cd0 010e5df0 00000000 013cfe48 .\...]......H.<.
013CFE4C 013cfe49 00000002 013cfe78 0050030c I.<.....x.<...P.
013CFE5C 00000004 010e5e98 00000000 801f6ed6 .....^.......n..
013CFE6C 00000001 010e5cd0 00000014 013cff14 .....\........<.
013CFE7C 004fff1e 013cff20 013cff1c ffffffff ..O. .<...<.....
013CFE8C 00000001 801f6ed6 010e5cd0 010c01c8 .....n...\......
013CFE9C 00000001 00000004 010c01c8 013cfe2c ............,.<.
013CFEAC 010c0000 010e5e84 77f81f01 7c5988e4 .....^.....w..Y|
013CFEBC 00000000 7c59a1af 00000001 013cfee4 ......Y|......<.
013CFECC 00000001 00000000 013cff04 00000001 ..........<.....
013CFEDC 00000001 00000000 00000078 010e5cd0 ........x....\..
013CFEEC 00000001 00000000 00017b2f 7c59459d ......../{...EY|
013CFEFC 013cfe80 00000001 013cffa4 004a82dc ..<.......<...J.
013CFF0C 006efa70 00000000 013cff34 004c64e2 p.n.....4.<..dL.
013CFF1C 004ffda0 00000001 00000001 ffffffff ..O.............
013CFF2C 801f6ed6 00000001 013cff68 004ca18b .n......h.<...L.
013CFF3C 00139cb0 010ca780 010d50e0 00369e99 .........P....6.
013CFF4C 00000000 23f9aca3 00000005 801f6bc1 .......#.....k..
*--> LogQueue <--*
(1) ProcessBlt(): Mip level generation required
(2) Texture '' file not found
(2) Texture '' file not found
(1) ProcessBlt(): No direct blitter for conversion from DXT1 to DXT5 (preserve rgb)
(1) ProcessBlt(): No direct blitter for conversion from DXT1 to DXT5 (preserve rgb)
(1) ProcessBlt(): No direct blitter for conversion from DXT1 to DXT5 (preserve rgb)
*--> DirectX Device Info <--*
VendorId = 0x10de
DeviceId = 0x0332
Version = 6.14.0010.7189
Description = NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900XT
Compat = 0x00800000
VidMem = 128 MB
Last edited by Fidus; May 11, 2005 at 04:06 PM // 16:06..
May 11, 2005, 04:01 PM // 16:01
Keyboard + Mouse > Pen
Join Date: Apr 2005
Profession: Mo/W
Possible memory error? It couldn't save something to the memory array?
May 11, 2005, 04:04 PM // 16:04
Ascalonian Squire
Originally Posted by EnDinG
Possible memory error? It couldn't save something to the memory array?
Its constant. I don't know what the problem is i ran wow with no problems for a long time, Mind you it just started happening a couple days ago now i can't play ever ><
May 11, 2005, 04:10 PM // 16:10
Academy Page
reinstall it, u got a bad install, whtever area u are in it can find some of the texture files.
May 11, 2005, 04:14 PM // 16:14
Ascalonian Squire
Originally Posted by Argent
reinstall it, u got a bad install, whtever area u are in it can find some of the texture files.
Done that already.
It redownloaded everything, then i grouped up and boom down i go. It seems to only happen when im grouped with other people. Nm i lied, grouped with henchmen and down she went.
Last edited by Fidus; May 11, 2005 at 04:16 PM // 16:16..
May 11, 2005, 05:13 PM // 17:13
Ascalonian Squire
Will a dev come here to check stuff? is there anyway i can get support from them? ive tried the email thing but get nothing back ><.
May 11, 2005, 05:34 PM // 17:34
Keyboard + Mouse > Pen
Join Date: Apr 2005
Profession: Mo/W
Devs don't really check these forums.
Correction on that, it has to be a bad file. Did you buy the game or download it? A download can end up with curropted files so a fresh copy might be needed.
May 11, 2005, 05:39 PM // 17:39
Ascalonian Squire
Yeah i downloaded it. Ive done a reinstall from the gw setup utility, are you suggesting that i re-downlaod the utility or just reinstall from the utility? ive already done reinstall from the u tility. The thing is i had no problems three days ago.
May 11, 2005, 05:40 PM // 17:40
Ascalonian Squire
Make sure you've disabled Fast Writes on your videocard in the BIOS. That caused a very similar problem for me, and it was very very annoying.
May 11, 2005, 05:42 PM // 17:42
Academy Page
When you reinstalled did you reboot first and make sure to use a differant directory?
May 11, 2005, 05:58 PM // 17:58
Keyboard + Mouse > Pen
Join Date: Apr 2005
Profession: Mo/W
I would suggest downloading the client again and doing a fresh reinstall with it.
Anything your doing online while downloading can cause problems while downloading ANY files. Try another download but without any other web based programs or downloading going on.
The client I've heard downloads new things as you need them. Perhaps while downloading a new area or model (armor or something) your net had a hicup and a file was fragmented.
May 11, 2005, 06:24 PM // 18:24
Ascalonian Squire
Still crashing with fast writes gonna try to reinstall to a new directory.
May 11, 2005, 06:37 PM // 18:37
Ascalonian Squire
ok all of the above has been tried no luck, still crashing within like 10 min or so.
also the error i get is identical every time, see above for details.
Last edited by Fidus; May 11, 2005 at 06:41 PM // 18:41..
May 11, 2005, 06:44 PM // 18:44
Keyboard + Mouse > Pen
Join Date: Apr 2005
Profession: Mo/W
Computer specs?
Questions to get started.
May 11, 2005, 06:48 PM // 18:48
Ascalonian Squire
no router
no firewall
Operating System: Windows 2000 Professional (5.0, Build 2195) Service Pack 4
Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: ASUSTeK Computer INC.
System Model: A7N8X2.0
BIOS: Phoenix-Award BIOS v6.00PG
Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 3200+, ~2.2GHz
Memory: 1024MB RAM
Page File: 184MB used, 1510MB available
DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)
DX Setup Parameters: Not found
DxDiag Version: 5.03.0001.0904 32bit Unicode
May 11, 2005, 06:57 PM // 18:57
Keyboard + Mouse > Pen
Join Date: Apr 2005
Profession: Mo/W
Have you tried this yet?
FAQ Support
Your video card is one of the ones with a problem. Since its a graphic error when loading textures, I'm assuming its not reading / writing to your cards memory properly.
If you have another card around, switch them and see how it runs for a while.
May 11, 2005, 07:03 PM // 19:03
Ascalonian Squire
trying what they suggested will update.
thanks again for your help ending.
also my card is pretty popular card so id be really suprised if I can't use it, hopefully a little tweaking will help.
May 11, 2005, 07:08 PM // 19:08
Keyboard + Mouse > Pen
Join Date: Apr 2005
Profession: Mo/W
& welcome.
Just hoping it works. I'm running out of easy ideas, hate it when I have to have to actually start searching for a solution. LoL. (Only 1 1/2 hours left of work, so I won't be online till tomarrow morning unless I start losing net connection and give up playing for the evening.)
May 11, 2005, 07:17 PM // 19:17
Ascalonian Squire
no luck ><
May 11, 2005, 07:20 PM // 19:20
Keyboard + Mouse > Pen
Join Date: Apr 2005
Profession: Mo/W
Hmm... Have you tried a different video card? I still think it might be the problem, and testing another out would either suggest a yes or no to the theory.
Have you upgraded the cards drivers?
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